Gotokuji and Manekineko

It all started when a cat invited the lord
to the temple on his way back from falconry.

One day, a lord on his way back from falconry was beckoned by a cat at the temple gate and decided to stop by.
While spending time at the temple, thunder suddenly rang out and rain began to fall. Having gotten well out of a thundershower with an enjoyable conversation with the temple master, the lord was impressed by this luck that the cat brought.
The lord was Naotaka Ii, the lord of Hikone domain.
Financially backed up by Naotaka, Gotokuji temple was rebuilt in 1633.

under the benevolent
watch of the

Later, Gotokuji temple built the Shofuku-den to enshrine the cat that brought good fortune, naming it as "Manekineko". Ever since, many people visit Shofuku-den continuously to pray for well-being for the family, prosperous business, luck and happiness.
A statue in standing position of Shofuku Kannon-bosatsu is enshrined in Shofuku-den.

Sanju-no-to with
climbing cats

The pagoda holds sculpted Chinese zodiac (12 kinds of animals) and several cats. Come and count how many cats you can find!


Manekineko without coin

The upraised right hand of Manekineko of Gotokuji holds no coin
while Manekineko does in general.
Actually, Manekineko does not bring
you a happiness directly. Manekineko brings you chances to link to
some people, and it is up to you whether you can make it work.
If you live in constant gratitude, luck and happiness come to you
spontaneously. Manekineko of Gotokuji holds no coin to teach this lesson.

No fight between cats
and mice in Gotokuji?

Among twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac sculpted around
Sanju-no-to, you may find a Manekineko in the middle of mices. Despite
cat is said to have failed to get selected for the Chinese zodiac because
of the mouse’s cheat, they live along together in Gotokuji.
The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac in Gotokuji are positioned
following the directions that each animal interprets such as the mouse
and the cat in the north, and the rabbit in the east.

Let’s find cats
in the precinct!

You may meet more Manekinekos watching visitors warmly besides those introduced here.
Why don't you take a stroll through the lush green precincts of the temple looking for Manekinekos!

Find and click the 


Manekinekos watching over your wishes

An array of Manekineko dolls is settled at Honojo.
Devotion is not mandatory but usually many people came back for offering after their wishes have become true.

Good luck for all year

Gotokuji’s original Ema holds a Manekineko in addition to the animal of the Chinese zodiac of the year.
This unique design of Ema can be only found at Gotokuji where the Manekineko that brought luck and happiness to Naotaka is enshrined.

Let's have a Manekineko in your daily life.

At the temple office, you can buy Manekineko dolls, Manekineko amulets, etc.

A real Manekineko?

Neighborhood cats may wander in to play.
If you meet them, something good may happen to you.

A variety of different Manekinekos

There are Manekinekos with all kinds of expressions,
such as a cat getting along with a mouse of the Chinese zodiac, and a cat relaxing in Sanju-no-to.